... by adding up your scores in each of the seven areas. Learn what kind of mindsets and strategies are best with each, and what you might work on next.

You may be just getting started. Or you may have been at it for a while but still struggle with the business side of the practice. It's hard to know what to do next, and when.

You're fairly well established, and have a decent client base. You have most of your systems in place, and a stable income. But you're working way too hard to keep up with it all, and success is inconsistent.

You may be fighting burn out - or you may be doing great! Either way, you feel called to expand either in how you run your practice, or who you are as a practice owner. You're just not sure what your best next step should be.

Learn how to roll with each phase of practice.
- What it means to take imperfect action.
- How to start thinking like a business owner.
- And the importance of celebrating all that you HAVE done.
More than anything, BREATHE.
If you're anything at all like me, you didn't take a ton of business classes in grad school.
And the certification programs you've had taught you how to help heal, not how to run a business.
So, let's stop the judgment - of others OR ourselves.
Let's just figure out where you are, and what you need to work on next. :)
Get a better sense of where you are with this totally free, quick and easy, self-assessment.
The IP360 Scorecard.
Before you know it, you'll know exactly where you are in your growth as a business owner.
You'll see what you need to work on next, and a lot of things will start to make perfect sense.
Clarity feels so much better, doesn't it?
Download Your Copy Now.
Here's what to do next.
1. Print it out.
2. Read it through.
3. For each question in each of the seven Pillars, give yourself a score of 1 to 5, with 1 being "almost never true for me" and 5 being "almost always true for me".
4. Add up your scores within each area first, AND overall.
5. You'll see a pattern right away, but watch your inbox too. In a day or two I'll send you the details on what those scores mean, and - surprise! - you'll ALSO get access to The Ideal Practice PROGRESS Tracker. This is a set of guidelines that shows you exactly what to look for and work on for each level of practice growth.
(You're going to love that!)
I would love to hear what you learn through this exercise.
Which areas did you find you were quite strong in? (Bet there were more than you expected!) And where did you need a little work?
Share your results with me through a quick email here: [email protected].
Got a question about something you've discovered in this process? Ask! I'll be happy to answer you personally.
Don't over think it - just dive in! Have some fun with this.
Because you're doing better than you think.

Frequently Asked Questions