Hey there everyone!
Have you ever wondered why some clients light you up 🤩, while others leave you drained 😒?
That happens because we, as healers, often feel like we can help anybody. But that doesn’t mean we should help everybody.
Here’s the thing … I guarantee you will be better at helping some clients rather than others. And once you see that - and lean into it - amazing things will happen.
The key to a joyful, thriving, truly Ideal Practice(c), is working with clients who are ideal to you.
So, in this week’s episode, we’re going to dive in and understand your ideal client on a much deeper level.
I’m going to walk you through an intensive 10 step process that will change the way you connect with your dream clients.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
And, as always, I come bearing gifts for you! 🥳
Make sure you stick around until the end, where I’ll let you know how to get your hands on a terrific free resource that will walk you through all of this, step by step.
Isn’t it time to give yourself permission to tune into the kind of client work that truly makes you happy? 🥰
Of course it is. And this will help you get there.
Give it a listen.
P.S. “Okay Wendy - I get it. I do want to work with my favorite clients because those are the ones I know I can help the most!” If that’s true for you, you’ll be surprised at how much better you get those folks by working through this process. Not. Even. Kidding.
FREE RESOURCE (and Pro Tip!)
Click on the link below to get your free copy of one of my most powerful coaching exercises. Once you’ve worked this through carefully and thoughtfully, check to see if your marketing copy aligns with the person you’ve described, and adjust as needed.
Getting the Whole Picture: Co-Writing Your Client's Transformation Story
50% Complete