Today we’re taking a look at pricing.
I want to talk about this because - based on my conversations with so many of you - there’s a good chance you might be selling yourself short in how you price your services.
And I get that! Setting your rates is EASILY one of the most stressful things about running a private practice. When I was starting out, I wrestled with questions like:
And many more.
Can you relate?
Right off the bat, pricing conversations bring up all kinds of tricky issues for us.
But like anything else, we can get a handle on this when we learn how to think about it.
So if you’re unsure about your rates, today is a good day!
I look at this a little differently than most, and I’m going to help you. :)
A lot of business gurus will tell you to decide how much you want to make a year, and determine your rates from there. Nothing wrong with that! In fact, I might say the exact same thing in another context.
But there’s really another side to pricing that I don’t think we talk about nearly enough - and that’s what we’re covering today.
>>AND, to help you out, I've got a GIFT for you....
I've created a little worksheet that will help you think through the questions I'm speaking to in this episode. Whenever I've shared this with my audience in the past they've told me this is EXTREMELY helpful, because it's such a different way of looking at things.
In fact, a lot of them end up raising their rates just because of what this exercise reveals.
So click HERE to grab your free worksheet, and listen to the episode.
Yep - I’m interested in that part. :)
Really dive deep and listen to your intuition about where you are with your current fee structure. And if you need to make a change, let's do that. Soon.
Own your authority, my friends.
Claim the value of what you do.
Much love,
P.S. Again, click on the link below for your copy of the free download mentioned in this episode, a great tool to help you assess your pricing, and whether or not it accurately reflects the value of what you do.
The Ideal Practice Pricing Worksheet
P.P.S. Did you hear the announcement I made at the end of today’s episode? Reach out if you’d like to be one of my 12 volunteers.
MIND OVER MONEY©. Click the link below to be the FIRST to be notified when we open up the doors to this fun, practical and life-changing program. Coming in January 2022, you’ll be invited first to my increasingly popular course on how to shift your mindset when it comes to wealth and abundance in your private practice.
COACHING: Got a problem in your practice that you’re trying to solve? Have an idea you want to try but don't know where to start? A Quick Start Consult gives you access to high quality coaching without the expense of a full blown coaching commitment. I'm serious about your success - so we don't just talk about your business. We work on it - together. Click here for details.
FREE RESOURCE: Are you cramming client hours into a packed day? Working hard but feel like you're still not making any money? With decades of experience, I’ve found a LOT of ways to boost your bottom line, and I’ve pulled some of my favorites together into a free guide for you. Download this today, check out what’s inside, then tell me which one you’ll try first. :)
31 Practical Ways to Increase Cash Flow In Your Private Practice
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