Have you ever wondered why somehow your “positive self talk” and your reality around money just don’t seem to line up? I get it. And you’re not alone.
Over the last month we’ve talked a lot about practical ways to boost your cash flow. Raising your rates. Handling those tricky sales conversations. Good stuff, right?
But today, we’re switching gears a little bit, and I’m excited! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be diving deep into a whole new series on how we THINK about money, about our relationship to the energy of money — and y’all, this will be a game changer for you and your business. And we start today.
Take a look below…
It was so nice having a chance to talk about these super-tricky thought patterns with my friend and amazing mindset expert, Linda Pucci, this week. She is an absolute treasure, and it’s been my pleasure working and growing alongside her for all these years. Linda played a huge role in my own shift from scarcity thinking to abundance thinking, and I adore her for that.
Once you’ve watched the video, you’ll be able to spot some of the more common ways a lack-focused mindset creeps into our thinking, our language, and our behavior. So now I want you to study this. Become an observer of your own Self this week, and see if you can spot any of these things popping up in your day.
My guess is you will - and then we can talk about how to change that.
Have a great week, my friend!
P.S. Isn’t it time you invested in yourself with a community that supports you? Join our free Ideal Practice Community on Facebook today and plan to attend our weekly Ideal Practice Cafe— every Thursday @ 1PM EST. Those who come every week are getting to know each other. Together, we’re building a safe place to talk through the challenges of growing an ideal practice. I’d love to see you there.
P.P.S. Not on Facebook? Click here to join the group so you can register for our Thursday hangout!
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