Episode 126. Private Practice Need a Little Clean Up? Use the 7 Pillars to Get Unstuck.


Now that we are fully into the 4th quarter of the year, I want to ask you something …

How are all those cool ideas and big intentions you had back at the start of this year panning out for you

Are you right on track, smashing your goals like a rockstar? 

Or have things gotten a little …flat? 😬

If your practice is feeling more stale than stellar, don’t feel bad. That this happens to all of us sooner or later.

But just because you’re a little stuck right now, doesn’t mean you have to stay there.

In this episode, I’m going to walk you through the 7 Pillars framework that I put together based on 30 years of experience in private practice.  

Because one of the biggest lessons I’ve  learned in all that time is this: there is no ONE thing that will make your practice successful.  

It's a framework, y’all, and all of the pieces work together.

You’ll also hear: 

  • The ONE thing that will always guide your business in the right direction.
  • How to check back in with your purpose and reconnect with what drives you.
  • Why your business might change over time – and what to do about that.
  • Which free tool can quickly give you a bird’s eye view of every area of your business right now

Listen folks, all entrepreneurs get stuck in a rut from time to time. It’s totally normal, but there are steps you can take to get unstuck and get back in the groove.

Because I don’t want your practice to just be tolerable. 
I want it to be awesome. 
I want it to be IDEAL.

Oh … And if you liked today’s episode, you’re going to LOVE what I’ve got coming up for you in December. 😉

(Learn more and pre-register here)


P.S. If you’re enjoying the podcast (as many of you tell me you are), could you help me spread the word? Are there two friends or colleagues you know who could really use a boost of encouragement each week? Please share this episode with them. They’ll thank you!


Episode 116.
Finding Your Why: A Deep Dive into How Purpose Fuels Business Success

FREE RESOURCE: Assess Your Progress with the IP360 SCORECARD.

As a coach of mine used to say, running a business is a full contact sport. There are SO many different parts of it to keep up with, manage, think about, and create - at every step of the way. How do you know what to work on first or where to focus your energy? How do you tell where your weaknesses are and where you're solid?

Well I’ve got you covered! The IP360 Scorecard, based on the 7 Pillars of an Ideal Practice, is designed to give you a practical, actionable, big-picture review of your practice as it stands. And you can complete it in less than 10 minutes.

Click on the link below to get your free copy today.

The IP360 Scorecard


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