Hey there, folks!
A LOT of my coaching clients really struggle around social media and marketing.
They feel like they need to show up constantly… They worry about how to show up and what to post. And that doesn’t begin to cover the challenge of where they should be…
Instagram? Facebook? LinkedIn? TikTok? … or ALL of the above?
Oy. It’s enough to make your head spin.
Lord knows, I get it. It's so easy to get caught up in what everyone says you need to do, but what if the conventional wisdom just isn't the right fit for you?
Well, today, we're going to figure it out.
We’re diving deep into how you can use my popular framework, the 7 Pillars of an Ideal Practice, to help you cut through the noise and determine if social media really is necessary for you.
I used this recently to coach someone through this question for their own practice and it was incredibly helpful. Today, I want to share that with you.
So in today’s episode you'll hear:
And, as always, I've got some free goodies (see the link below) for you to grab that are really going to help you hone in on the answer to this burning question …
Do you really need social media in your private practice?
Truth is - I don’t know.
But, if you give this episode a listen, you will be able to answer that question yourself with real clarity.
It's time to show up in all the right places …whatever that looks like for you.
So let’s figure that out, shall we?
Join me. :)
P.S. What are you thinking about the pod these days? We are coming up on our 3rd anniversary of bringing this to you every week and I’d LOVE to get your feedback. Enjoying it? Want more of something or less of something else?
Shoot me an email at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you!
The book: LinkedIn Unlocked by Melonie Dodaro
I often get requests for copies of some of the most popular tools and worksheets that I use in my own practice, and my clients use in theirs. So to make that easier for everyone, I’ve grouped together those I am asked about most often, and put them all in one place for you.
CLICK HERE to find the page where all the goodies are there for the taking. Hope this helps!
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